How to teach English to dyslexic students effectively?

An interesting aspect is the question of whether dyslexia occurs in the English language, especially in individuals diagnosed in Polish. Research suggests that dyslexia is a “universal” phenomenon and is not dependent on a specific language. However, differences in language structure can affect specific reading and writing difficulties. Dyslexia in English manifests through impaired phonemic awareness, which impacts correct reading and comprehension. Others may struggle with learning irregular verb forms or uncommon grammatical structures. Understanding how the unique features of English affect people with dyslexia is crucial for effective teaching.

Can you successfully learn English with dyslexia?

Yes, it is absolutely possible to effectively learn English despite dyslexia. While dyslexia can pose a significant challenge, there are strategies and methods that can greatly ease the process of learning English for those with this condition.

Below you will find some effective tips:

> Customize your approach

Adapting teaching methods to the individual needs of the student is crucial. Teachers can use various tools, such as audiobooks, recordings, or visual educational materials, to facilitate information absorption. Individual work with the student is also recommended, focusing on attention and creative collaboration.

> Apply active teaching methods

Interactive and engaging teaching methods, such as language games, group tasks, or experiential learning, can help dyslexic individuals more effectively absorb material. An important factor could also be exploring multiple intelligences, helping to select a set of exercises that perfectly match the dyslexic profile and essentially calibrating the teaching direction.

Specialist assistance

In some cases, it may be beneficial to seek help from specialists, such as speech therapists or special education teachers, who have experience working with individuals with dyslexia. Such work is highly personalized. Speech therapists also use relaxation techniques for speech apparatus and proper breathing, which can positively affect verbalization in the language.

> Engage modern technology

Access to modern technology, such as language learning apps, speech processing programs, or audiobooks, facilitates the learning process. Singing popular English songs and writing down the lyrics of favorite tracks can also be helpful.

> Be patient and maintain apositive approach

It is important to maintain a positive attitude toward learning and to be patient, both for students and teachers. Understanding that every student has their own pace and individual needs is key, especially when it comes to learning English.

Project LEXIS is supporting English language teachers to upgrade teaching and learning of children with dyslexia through the integration of emerging technologies and the acquisition of digital skills. You can read more about it here:

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